What many folks might not realize about sustainability-focused efforts is that not all organizations have the capacity to have a designated role for this. On many occasions, it is the voluntary work of one or handful of employees who are passionate about the environment. The effort to pull together a green team, engage the whole organization, integrate sustainability awareness, report on energy consumption and waste diversion – these tasks are completed alongside their primary role but with equal amounts of enthusiasm. This is why at the Regional Sustainability Initiative, we refer to them as our ‘susty champions’ because they go above and beyond to create awareness and impact in their organization. We have seen the actions of a champion ripple through the organization to create real change – from lunch and learns and creating waste signage, to helping develop a transportation policy or find a cost-effective waste solution that helps save significant costs to the organization. The hours volunteered are beyond valuable, and it is because of the additional time put in, that we see real measurable results, increased awareness and a more positive approach to sustainability at the workplace. Thank you for bringing your passion and for creating positive change.